One of the program management performance domains that will be covered in depth in this Program Governance Model tutorial is program governance. And, once you’ve finished this Program Governance Model tutorial, you’ll be able to:
Describe the program governance model.
Explain the concept of a program governance board.
Discuss the program governance board’s constitution and responsibilities.
Describe how the board interacts with other aspects of program administration.
Describe the specific roles that individuals play in the governance context.
Explain how the overall structure of the organization affects the structure of the program manager.
In the following section of the program governance model tutorial, we will look at program governance.
What exactly is Program Governance?
Because the term governance can mean different things to different people, let us first try to define it. Governance refers to the systems and methods that define, authorize, monitor, and support a program and its strategies. It also refers to the systems and methods used by the program team to monitor and manage the program’s components.
The program manager is an essential component of the program governance structure, managing the program’s relationship with the overall governance framework, including the governance board. These functions will be covered in detail in the following sections.
In the following section of the program governance model tutorial, we will gain a better understanding of program governance.
Framework for Program Governance
Let’s take a look at the expected outcomes and the specific contribution that the program governance framework can make to a program.
Effective Framework First, program governance must result in an effective framework for making program decisions. Depending on the gravity of the decision, this could imply that decisions should be made after consulting the appropriate people at the appropriate level.
Constant Alignment
Following that, the governance structure should ensure that the program is always in sync with the organization’s strategy. This is where the governance domain and strategic program alignment intersect.
Create the Necessary Components
Then, it should lead to the development of the necessary components to pursue and develop the program’s work.
Create an Escalation Mechanism
It should also include an escalation mechanism that allows risks and issues that cannot be managed at a lower level to be escalated to a higher level and resolved in a systematic manner.
Management that works
Moving forward, it should result in effective management of program deliveries to ensure that the program is delivering the expected benefits. That is, it should ensure the delivery of specific outputs from program components as well as the delivery of program benefits.
Standards That Apply
Following that, it should ensure that the program complies with all of the organization’s applicable standards. It should result in the collection and dissemination of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom from the program, as well as their use in previous works to ensure the program’s success.
As a result, the scope of program governance is fairly broad, and establishing an appropriate governance structure is, therefore, a critical success factor for the program.
The following section of the program governance model tutorial will provide us with a general overview of program governance.
Structure of the Program Governance Board
Let us now take a closer look at the program governance board and the role it serves. The program governance board is a steering committee or a committee that makes program-related decisions. It provides the systems and methods required to run a program. As previously stated, the board’s membership can include
Executives from program sponsors who can provide strategic insight into the program
Senior functional executives
Additional program sponsors
Customer organization representatives
Other powerful stakeholders
The program manager is an invited board member who represents the program in front of the board.
In some ways, the program manager represents both the program team and the board to the board. The program sponsor is usually the board’s chairperson and convener, and he or she has veto power over decisions. The governance board is also known as a steering committee, and its members are not assigned to a specific program “full time.” They will step in as needed.
The responsibilities of the program governance board will be discussed in the following section of this program governance model tutorial.
Responsibilities of the Program Governance Board
This section discusses the program governance board’s various responsibilities.
Create a Governance Mechanism
First, the program board establishes a program’s governance mechanisms and communicates the organization’s vision and goals to the program.
Component Initiation
Second, they approve the program and agree to the start of the components. This includes providing final authorization to the program through the issuance of a program charter, as well as participating in the chartering process of program components.
Accept Funding Request
Third, the program’s funding request is approved by the board.
Create a Program Governance Plan.
Fourth, the board works with the program manager to develop an overall program governance plan. The program approach and plans are also reviewed and approved by the board.
Help the Program
Fifth, the governance board assists the program in a variety of ways, such as resolving issues escalated from the program level.
Progress should be monitored and reviewed.
Sixth, the board monitors and reviews the program’s progress to determine whether a change in strategy or tactics is required. The board participates in phase gate reviews and other critical decision points in a program.
Component Initiation must be approved.
Finally, the program board approves component initiation or transition based on program requests, as well as the overall program transition and closure.
As we can see, the board’s role is fairly broad. As a result, it is critical that the board’s membership be comprised of people with the necessary authority, interest, and skills to ensure the program’s success.
Let us continue our discussion of the program governance board’s responsibilities in the following section of the program governance model tutorial.
Responsibilities of the Program Governance Board
Let us look more closely at the program board’s role and how it makes decisions that allow the program to move forward. The program governance board’s role can be discussed in terms of the following categories:
Program start-up, transition, and end-of-life
Approval of the program approach and plans
Criteria for program success, communication, and approval
Program funding and the development of a program governance plan
Support for program performance Program reporting and control processes
Standards for program quality and planning
Keeping track of program changes and the need for change
The program’s and its constituent projects’ initiation, transition, and closure are likely the most important set of decisions. The approval of the program governance board may be required during the initiation and transition to a new project component or program. Occasionally, the program manager will be able to issue the charter for the program’s components.
Depending on the amount invested in the component, the board’s approval or at least notification may be required. While seeking board authorization, if necessary, the program manager acts as the component’s sponsor and prepares the component charter in collaboration with the component manager. The program governance approval process consists of the following steps:
Creating, revising, or reconfirming the component’s business case
Individual accountability for management and pursuit of the components must be defined or reconfirmed.
Authorizing the program’s governance structure to track the component’s progress toward its goals.

The governance board is crucial in making a decision about the overall program’s closure. This decision to discontinue the overall program entails:
Confirming whether or not the program’s conditions for closure have been met.
Assuring that the reasons for a program’s closure are consistent with the organization’s vision and strategy.
Ensuring that appropriate closure formalities are followed, regardless of whether the program is terminated successfully or unsuccessfully.
In this section of the program governance model tutorial, we will discuss the role of the program board in program funding decisions and the creation of the program governance plan. The availability of sufficient and timely funding is critical to the program’s success. The program board is critical in ensuring that this occurs, as well as that the sanctioned funds are used in accordance with the organizational priorities.
A program governance plan is developed collaboratively by the program governance board and the program manager. The plan establishes the overall framework for program governance. A good plan should include the following elements:
A summary of the program’s high-level goals; the structure, membership, and composition of the program board;
Clear definitions of the roles and responsibilities of everyone on the program board, as well as everyone on the program team who is involved in governance; governance and phase gate review meetings that are scheduled;
The criteria to be used in making decisions about component initiation.
The criteria to be used in making decisions about component closure or transition.
The schedule and agendas for the program’s periodic health checks
The procedure for escalating issues to the program governance board and beyond.
We will discuss the role of the program governance board in establishing program success criteria, communication, and endorsement; approving the program’s management plans and approaches; and supporting program performance in this section of the program governance model tutorial.
The program board is in charge of establishing the minimum success criteria for a successful program. Methods for approving the success criteria are widely disseminated throughout the organization and among the executive leadership. The program governance board reviews and approves the program management plan as well as the program’s approach to achieving the benefits. In accordance with the established plans and success criteria, the board will also approve the appropriate monitoring and controlling framework for the program and its components.
The program governance board should be constructive and supportive in order to ensure the program’s success. This includes assisting with program performance and ensuring that the program and its components have access to the necessary organizational resources.
In addition, the program board will establish a program management office to assist with the program. In the following section, we will continue to examine the program governance board’s responsibilities.
Let us now look at the program governance board’s role in:
Creating the reporting and control processes for the program
Creating quality standards for the program and planning
Monitoring program change and determining the need for change.
The governance board will ensure that a program’s control and reporting framework adheres to the organization’s standards and other applicable compliance requirements.
The board must establish a reporting structure that includes the information required to monitor ongoing compliance. The framework must be appropriate, not only in terms of compliance, but also in terms of ensuring that the appropriate information is reported to the appropriate stakeholders at the appropriate frequency.
The program governance board supports the development, review, and approval of the program level quality plan, as well as assisting the program in developing quality policies and standards that are consistent with the organization’s quality expectations. This includes ensuring that the necessary organizational standards and frameworks are followed, as well as that the components receive adequate oversight and guidance as they carry out the quality management processes within the program.
The program governance board is in charge of monitoring the program’s environment and ensuring that changes required to ensure the program’s continued success are pursued and implemented in a planned and consistent manner.
The governance board also assists the program manager in establishing the program’s change management system.
In the following section of the program governance model tutorial, we’ll look at the relationship between program governance and program management.